Category Blog

Scams Targeting Seniors

Elderly citizens lose billions a year to scams targeting seniors. Seniors are victims more often than other age groups. Seniors are victims more often than persons from other age groups. This is because they may have accumulated more savings over time,…

Right to Sue

Right to Sue – 2016 CFPB Rule The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) proposed a new rule in 2016 restoring consumers’ right to sue banks, credit card companies and consumer lenders in class actions. The CFPB’s rule, proposed under…

Saving for Retirement

Saving for Retirement – New Federal Rule White House Announces New Federal Rule to Protect People Saving for Retirement April 6, 2016.  President Obama directed the Department of Labor to move forward with a proposed new federal rule that changes the standards for financial advisors.  Retirement…

Workers’ Rights

SCOTUS Decision Impacts Workers’ Rights The US Supreme Court stood up for workers’ rights in its March 22, 2016 decision in Tyson Foods, Inc. v. Bouaphakeo, et al.  Writing for the majority, Justice Anthony Kennedy confirmed that class action plaintiffs may…

Unnecessary Insurance

Unnecessary Insurance – Has your mortgage company purchased insurance on your home? If so, you may have paid for unnecessary insurance and may be entitled to a refund.  We are investigating whether mortgage lenders are forcing unnecessary insurance on homeowner borrowers. In…

Misleading Labeling

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Rules on Misleading Labeling Case On April 10, 2015, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued its Opinion in Astiana v. Hain Celestial Group, Case No. 12-17596, a case involving misleading labeling…

Long Term Disability Benefits

U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania Rules that Prudential Abused its Discretion by Terminating Long Term Disability Benefits On March 23, 2015, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania ruled that Prudential’s termination of long term…

Third Circuit Decision

Third Circuit Decision —  The Third Circuit Court of Appeals Revives Borrower Class Action in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania Click here to read the Third Circuit Decision:  Salvati v. Deutsche-Bank Decision July 29, 2014.  In Salvati v.…

Wage and Hour Laws

Wage and Hour Laws: Compensable Time Under the Fair Labor Standards Act On May 24, 1937, when President Franklin Roosevelt sent a bill to Congress relating to Wage and Hour Laws for what later would become the Fair Labor Standards…

Employer Sponsored Disability

Our attorneys assist clients in getting disability benefits under employer sponsored disability plans. If a serious medical condition causes you to be unable to work, even temporarily, you may be entitled to disability benefits from your employer sponsored disability plan.…